Beacons Of Light Deliver
That’s why at Goodness Village, we’ve found a better way.
BOLD (Beacons Of Light Deliver) offers local businesses an opportunity to enhance your Legacy while supporting Goodness Village.
Through BOLD, your business will:
Demonstrate your commitment to the community
Support your brand, image and reputation
Contribute to customer loyalty and respect/engagement of your employees
Enhance potential customers view of the value of your company
Build a lasting legacy for your company
Partner with GV to Grow the Village (28+ homes)
Goodness Village Success = Market Opportunities for your Business
The GV Solution requires Community Support
To build on our initial success, Business Partnerships are essential for the sustainability and growth of the Village.
A nominal ongoing contribution will support our efforts
$1,000 per month = $12,000 annually
Tax deductible contribution will ensure success
You can also be a Beacon Of Light
by sending a monthly check to
1660 Freisman Rd Livermore CA 94551